

AZNAR factory, which produces all juices of Grante brand, is located in Azerbaijan and is rightfully considered an economic symbol of the country. It makes a significant contribution to the national economy by focusing on advanced technology and research in the fields of health, natural production, and international relations.

A high level of product quality is ensured thanks to modern technologies and modifications carried out at the factory. For the production of our juices, we select pomegranate sorts specially cultivated by breeders, such as "Gulesh", "Bala Mursal", "Nazik Kabug", "Shah Nar", "Girmizi Gabug", which ripen in Geokchay region - an ecologically clean place of Azerbaijan with a unique climate and soil composition. Only fresh fruits get to the factory and the use of special technology of juice extraction on pneumatic membrane presses and the subsequent gentle treatment allows us to save all vitamins, natural and organic taste of real Azerbaijan pomegranates.

The AZNAR factory is an effective modern production unit, which includes the following technological elements:

  • Three primary processing lines, with a total capacity of 20 tons per hour, and a set of juice processing and ultrafiltration equipment;
  • Line of sterilization and juice storage in aseptic containers;
  • Evaporation plant type "rising film" for juice concentration;
  • Aseptic filling line of concentrated juice in large containers of "Aseptic Bags" type, capacity 220 l;
  • Two glass bottle filling lines, of 1.0l, 0.75l, 0.33l and 0.25l capacity, pasteurization, and packaging in cardboard boxes and shrink-wrap;
  • Set of equipment for obtaining tannin extract from pomegranate peel;
  • Cooling rooms 1100 m2 in size for concentrated juice storing at t = -18°C and fresh fruit storing at t = (+5) - (-2)°C;
  • Confiture and jam production site.

Careful selection of raw materials, strict observance of sanitary and hygienic norms in production, and a closed cycle of production, which is a fundamental difference of our factory, allow us to follow the original mission - to preserve the maximum taste and nutrients of natural fruits in the juices of our products. Minimal contact of raw materials with the air during the extraction process and the subsequent processing and filling of juice into the packaging directly at the factory avoids unnecessary oxidation processes, which is very important to preserve the quality of juice and its flavor. 

An important element of the AZNAR factory quality system is the factory laboratory, which performs complex chemical-technical and bacteriological production control. The laboratory is equipped with the most modern machinery and consists of three main departments:

  • Tasting department (for control of organoleptic indicators of products);
  • Chemical department (for chemico-analytical research and control);
  • Microbiological department with a seeding chamber and thermostatic holding.

Quality control of all processes at all stages of production allows us to ensure that Grante brand juices are unique in their taste and composition, and do not contain flavors, sugars, artificial dyes, and chemical preservatives. The quality of Grante brand products is also confirmed by the golden medal "Innovations in the list of ingredients" received at the contest "Innovative product of Prodexpo 2009". This award confirms the consistently high level of products created using modern technology and meeting high consumer needs.

But undoubtedly the main value of our plant are people whose love for Geokchay pomegranates and thorough knowledge of their business mean as much as the most modern equipment. Many employees have been working since the factory was founded in 1969. These are the specialists who know everything about the pomegranate and its processing. The heads of the major units and sites, as well as many technical specialists, have more than 25 years of experience working at our enterprise. One and all employees of the factory are constantly improving their skills and working to ensure that the consumer can always get pomegranate juice as if they squeezed it out of the pomegranate with their hands - clean, tasty, and as beneficial as possible.