Fruits for Grante products are not picked by machine, being sent in tons for processing. The mellow fruits are hand-picked by pickers - ingatherers. The unripe ones remain to ripen on the branch. The overripe or rotten ones are picked and collected in separate containers in order not to damage the trees.
The history of Grante began with pomegranates, which now spread out over 2000 hectares of our own plantations.
Within 50 years of the creation of products from the freshest and healthiest fruits, we have realized what the ideal pomegranate should be for a truly quality product. That is why we use specially cultivated sorts of pomegranates, like "Gulesh", "Bala Mursal", "Nazik Kabug", "Shah Nar", "Gyrmyzy Gabug", which are grown in Geokchay region with unique climate and excellent soil composition.
According to the latest research, pomegranate sorts grown in Geokchay region are not worse, and in the presence of useful mineral nutrients, they even exceed the elite selection.
And there is no doubt in their value, because pomegranates:
- Reinforce the immunity
- Normalize blood circulation
- Low caloric, so they do nicely for weight loss
- Consist of vitamins A, C and E, which means that they are full of antioxidants
- Restore the nervous system. You must have heard that the restorative drink of white pomegranate membranes is used as a debilitant.
- Normalize the digestion process
That is why our juices are free of sugar, flavors, and preservative agents.
Even without additives they are perfect. Because they are natural.